Read about EMF – Electro Magnetic Radiations – Causes, Symptoms and Cures. – Urgent

Author name: Beverly Jensen

Getting Fried by WiFi in Airplanes

Since 9/11 the security protocols at airports have made flying stressful. Now sometime in the past two years, flying has become life-threatening. In beautiful, comfortable new aircraft passengers (and the flight crews!) are being zapped by the non-ionizing radiation of WiFi. Having internet access while en route on flights isn’t the danger when it’s WIRED, as it is in Boeing’s Dreamliner. It’s the WIRELESS technology that’s endangering. Yet it’s now being beamed through on most airlines. Whether it’s being used by passengers depends on, in part, whether it costs extra or is free. In the tech press, the availability of WiFi on aircraft is focused on its availability, and whether it’s “safe” has nothing to do with the health of passengers and crews but whether your data is vulnerable on these networks. But an enclosed metal container, whether subway, elevator, train car, auto or aircraft, is perhaps the worst environment for Radio Frequency contamination. The device is continually searching for the next tower, and RF is bouncing around the enclosure from every source in the container. Lloyd’s of London declared in 2015 that the science shows conclusively that wireless technology causes non-ionizing radiation. Lloyd’s, the bellwether of the industry, announced that they are not covering health claims due to wireless devices in ordinary policies, and the entire insurance industry has followed. To review some of the science that the insurance industry followed, see the German data bank of global Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) research showing the biological effects of Radio Frequencies (RF) and EMF. Over 36k studies are posted at It’s in English and German. There’s also the science and resources at the Environmental Health Trust, And I have published magazine articles, blogs, and interviews at Radiation from wireless will cause tumors, cancers, and disabling diseases eventually in everyone who’s exposed. “Long-latency” it’s called in the industry. The younger the exposure, the sooner the disease. Like asbestos, if you’re exposed to Wireless devices, you will experience illness. And nearly everyone living in the USA today is exposed to this pollutant. On flights longer than two hours, the majority of passengers will go to sleep soon after take-off. For most others, a flight is a break from their daily stressors, and they look for entertainment. Very few need to continue “to receive and send messages” while en route. Give us a break! Flying should be a get- away- from- it- all experience. Because much of the population has their face on a screen hours of the day, companies shouldn’t conclude that we want more of the same on a flight. It’s harmful to our mental and physical health to sit for hours with Radio Frequencies beaming over every seat. For the estimated five percent of the population who are already sensitive to the radiation, this exposure in the plane cabin is life-threatening. And some 30 percent of the population is suffering from ElectroMagnetic Sensitivity and don’t know the cause of their health issues. Porta tempus aliquet malesuada interdum quis. Etiam varius lectus nullam sed nunc. Ut mollis amet malesuada leo magna lacus in dui urna. Nulla orci, sed accumsan,

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What you see depends on your generation

The heat surges inside when I open the front door of our seaside cabina this morning. My daughter Leila and I are on Rhodes, Greece, and we’ve managed to find a tiny cove with, maybe, 30 cabinas circling the still, clear bay. We’d been told last night that it was going to be much warmer today and the rest of the week. Oh well, after one month of cold, rainy weather in Norway (the coldest, wettest June in 52 years our host told us), we’ll stay in the shade of the awning, and as long as the wind brings a breeze off the cold water—and it is very cold—we’ll enjoy the day. The “glass bottom boat” blows a horn louder than its size warrants as it swings around the rocky mountain that creates this small bay. The boat again today is filled with tourists expecting to see colorful tropical fish in the waters beneath the boat. But they won’t see any fish. Leila has swum across the bay, and I have swum into the middle and lingered for a while. The water is so clean and clear you can see the bottom many feet down. But there’s not a fish to be found. It was the same 10 years ago in the US Virgin Islands. The submarine took us 90 feet down, and I spied one small turtle, one foot-long fish, and bleached out (dead) coral. Later the captain admitted to me that the sea was just as void of fish in the Cayman Islands. But on the submarine the young families “oooh-ed and ahhh-ed” about the sea floor. When traveling with my daughters, all in their early 30s, I feel there is a generation gap. They see what is there in front of us, and I see what is no longer there. I grew up in the Ryukyu Islands (Okinawa being the largest island), and the East China Sea was filled with brilliant corals of purple, orange, red, and yellow, and colorful tropical fish. They were visible 20 feet down—one didn’t need to scuba dive to see them. The World Wildlife Federation says that 40 percent of the oceans’ life is gone from what it was 50 years ago. Personally,I think that’s an underestimation. On a safari in Kerala, India, some 10 years ago with the youngest daughter, Laura, we went out at dawn to find the animals. The only animals we saw in three days on this wildlife reserve was elephants at work and monkeys scurrying around. “Then only animal that I see the tracks of is the Adidas,” I remarked one morning. It took her a moment to catch my humor. So the wind is blowing cool air off the sea, the sun is bright in a cloudless sky, and I’m going to join Leila for a swim in the beautiful bay.

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Remember kitchen remedies for common ailments

My kitchen remedies for common ailments. We’re all creatures of habit. We naturally continue to do what we’ve always done–unless we shake off our “this is how it is” mantle of thinking or “it is what it is”– the expression I love to hate. If our usual treatment for a bruise or cut or any minor injury or affliction is Over the Counter (OTC) pills and ointments in the medicine cabinet, that’s where we turn for relief, the chemical concoctions. My medicine cabinet has no OTC treatments–okay, there is an antihistamine for severe allergy onslaughts–but, instead, it is filled with Homeopathic remedies, single remedies and compounds and Chinese herbal formulas. And my daughter’s medicine cabinet has even more remedies than mine to treat the toddler and the pet cat. Last week we were away from home and needed treatment for Laura’s heartburn. The family’s go-to treatment for indigestion and heartburn is carbo vegetabalis, which is vegetables that have been charcoaled. Since homeopathic remedies are sublingual, they go directly into the blood stream, and relief from symptoms is in a few minutes. That is, if you’ve chosen the best remedy; if you haven’t, it won’t harm you, which can’t be said of pharmaceutical meds, but relief isn’t as complete. Anyway, we’re away from home and don’t have carbo with us, neither her supply nor mine. If we were in Europe, a former British colony, or any of many countries, we could go into any pharmacy and get homeopathic remedies. Cambodia is none of the above. We were in Siem Reap visiting Angkor Wat and surrounding temples. One pharmacist offered only one natural product but no homeopathic remedies. What we should have purchased in the pharmacy was bicarbonate of soda or baking soda. This is the simplest remedy for occasional indigestion. The one that was the go-to remedy before we were brainwashed to believe only drugs could make us well. But I forgot that solution in my focus on homeopathy. Creatures of habit… Laura kept her head elevated all night. Here are other simple kitchen remedies for occasional indigestion—lie only on your left side, use ½ tsp of baking soda in a small glass of water and sip slowly, chew fennel and anise seeds (given at the end of Indian meals) or make a tea of fennel, anise, chamomile, ginger, or peppermint. To help prevent indigestion and heartburn, pay attention to what causes it for you. Could be spicy foods or highly acidic (tomato-based). Laura has given up pineapple juice for awhile. But—always—don’t eat within three hours of going to bed, and chew your food slowly and thoroughly. That’s how it’s enjoyed anyway! Salud! Beverly

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Detoxifying the grandkids’ lives

My youngest daughter gave birth this week to her second child, a 10# baby boy (gender kept unknown until birth!). He is the first grand SON on both sides of the family so everyone is delighted. While I am very thankful for a healthy mom and baby, I am oh-so-grateful for all that my daughter does in this age to provide the safest, healthiest environment she can for her children to grow and thrive. Babies born in the U.S. have been found to have traces of 200-300 chemicals in their blood. Eating organically and no processed foods since she was 15 won’t have protected her children from all the chemicals, but it surely keeps them healthier. Her cabinets are stocked with homeopathic remedies for teething, colds, etc., so the children aren’t given chemical medicines. She learned that wearing a necklace of Baltic amber reduces teething pain and drooling which leads to ear infections during months of teething. The first born has never suffered an ear infection, and all but one tooth is in. Her brother will be wearing the necklace in a few months. Grandpa hauled on the plane an organic crib mattress from the US to their home in Thailand. Toys are limited to wood, fabric, bamboo, anything but plastics. Electronics in the household are limited to one laptop, one smart phone, and one cell. These children will not be gazing upon, much less playing with, electronic devices for many years. A 10-minute episode of “Word Play” on Netflix with Grandma is a major event—and concession—to electronics. (It’s permissible because she practices new words!) Vaccinations are carefully weighed. Hep B at birth was nixed (physicians worldwide follow the schedule of the CDC, so moms everywhere have to stay informed). The MMR was separated and administered individually, and the schedule delayed. These are weighed even more carefully given their international locations. (The book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan by Dr. Paul Thomas, an integrative-medicine pediatrician in Portland, Oregon, is a sensible, sane program for childhood immunity and vaccinations.) Current statistics are that 46 percent of children in the US have chronic diseases. This is a national tragedy that we haven’t begun to address as a nation. The chronic diseases of American adults (one in two adults have at least one chronic disease) and of our children are due to the toxic stew of chemicals we live in—in our food supply, the air we breathe, our water supply, medicines, our homes and their furnishings, and the e-smog of all the wireless devices that pervade our lives. And studies of the pollutants in homes usually find the children’s room the most polluted room in the house due to toxicity of plastics and electronics and lack of air circulation. Detoxifying your life is a chapter in my forthcoming book, The 21st Century Rx: Self-care. Watch for more news related to the book. In the meantime, get a head start on detoxifying your life and detoxifying your kids’ lives with this series starting next week. A docu-series is starting June 25 on detoxifying your home and your life. You or, statistically, someone in your life would gain from this. The Toxic Home Transformation Summit starts on Monday, June 25th [Register for free now!], and you’ll learn from experts how to ensure your home is the healthiest place you can make it. Copy and paste this link to enroll. Salud! Beverly

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