Latest EMF Articles

Getting Fried by WiFi in Airplanes
Since 9/11 the security protocols at airports have made flying stressful. Now sometime in the past two years, flying has become life-threatening. In beautiful, comfortable new aircraft passengers (and the

What you see depends on your generation
The heat surges inside when I open the front door of our seaside cabina this morning. My daughter Leila and I are on Rhodes, Greece, and we’ve managed to find

Remember kitchen remedies for common ailments
My kitchen remedies for common ailments. We’re all creatures of habit. We naturally continue to do what we’ve always done–unless we shake off our “this is how it is” mantle

Detoxifying the grandkids’ lives
My youngest daughter gave birth this week to her second child, a 10# baby boy (gender kept unknown until birth!). He is the first grand SON on both sides of

Reduce your WiFi Exposure during COVID19 Quarantine at Home
With schools closed –maybe classes being held online—and parents telecommuting from home, we’re at risk for more exposure to our home electronics than usual. But don’t huddle the family around

Your choices for keeping healthy are in jeopardy
In 1996, when I was living in Cairo, I received a random email, an alarming message about CODEX Aiimentarius . Remember, the internet was in its infancy so this message