We are here to discuss how you as a parent or expectant mother can protect your child against the dangers of wireless technology and the radiation it emits. From your smartphone, tablet, laptop and home router, you will discover the health implications of your child using or being near such devices. You will also learn how you can protect your child from these hidden dangers.

“Mom noticed that her 4yo son slept well whenever they traveled (frequently) but didn’t sleep well in his own bed. A meter reading for electricity found this excessive reading (295) on the baby monitor (that was no longer being used, OFF, but plugged in) at one end of his bed.
In the parents’ bedroom the monitor was also plugged in (but OFF), and the EF was 519–excessive.
On the other side of the son’s bed was a rarely used lamp that also had excessive electrical current (when OFF).”
Moral of the story: Unplug electrical items not being used, and, to be cautious, move beds 6-8″ away from walls in case of Dirty Electricity (DE) in the wiring of the home.
The report below is on a one-month experiment with 10 teens—8 boys and 2 girls—who locked up their smartphones and learned how to operate independently without constant digital connection. The kids took a 2-day, unsupervised, phone-free camping trip, which they found exhilarating! Read how to raise resilient, independent children and what it will mean to society if we don’t change this projectory they’re on.
10 Teens Gave Up Smartphones for a Month. Here’s What Happened
New Study Finds Infant and Toddler Brains Absorb More Microwave Radiation from Wireless Phones
6 types of EMF’s (electromagnetic frequencies) linked to modern diseases.
Internet Addiction
In 2023, U.S. teens spent an average of 4.8 hours/day on social media, the equivalent of a full-time job. The studies involved 237 youth aged 10-19 who were formally diagnosed with internet addiction, that is the inability to resist the urge to use the internet.
Using MRI imaging, the scientists viewed how areas of the brain interact while at rest or completing a task. Read the story of this study and others to learn what they discovered. I’ll just say it’s problematic and unhealthy in every dimension—physical, mental health, social, behavioral. Treating teen internet addiction requires strong family involvement. The whole family participates in changing behaviors.
For young children, nothing will ever replace the quality time a caregiver spends with their child. Exploring the environment when outdoors, encouraging play outside and ongoing communication to build emotional and social skills will teach children to manage stressors in today’s world.
To read the whole article where this information was taken visit: The Epoch Times
A Childs Play Area!
Some 15 years ago my niece in Germany, with great determination, purchased only organic fabrics for her new-born, organic foods, and toys of natural materials (think wood, bamboo).
That may have been easier to accomplish in 2009, in Bavaria, than it is today—especially in the USA. Plastic construction of toys and learning tools can make a child’s play area a virtual stew of chemicals. Then add computer chips emitting Radio Frequencies with no clear notice to parents.
The nursery devices that have RF-emitting chips are, perhaps, the most harmful. It’s immediate radiation on the most vulnerable of us.
Baby Monitors
In measuring client’s homes for EM fields, where infants or young children were living, the Baby Monitor and an Alexa/Echo device telling bed-time stories consistently emitted the highest levels of radiation—Bad Panda I named the story-teller disrupting the children’s sleep since they’d received it from Santa.
Here’s what AI-chatGP will advise: “These devices can make caregiving easier, providing peace of mind and simplifying daily routines for new parents.” Never mind that thousands of studies find the EMR they emit harmful, particularly to children.
This is a time of much turbulence with many changes going on, most of which are disturbing if not destructive. When the subject of EMF or Radiation comes up, I often here, “We just don’t know (the consequences).” In the U.S., more than anywhere else, this is the story Telecom tells. In fact, there are 40,000+ studies on this topic, and the “precautionary principle” is being advised even by AI. We can’t or won’t make changes until we see things as they truly are. Only then can we take steps to change the reality we’re experiencing. https://www.naturalhealth365.com/electromagnetic-frequencies-blamed-for-massive-health-decline-globally-stunning-research-reveals.html
Here are 10 electronic devices to beware of…
10 electronic devices to beware of—and a safer alternative I recommend. In product descriptions, the item to note is “connection technology”—WiFi or Ethernet (unless the home is wired with no router near bedrooms), “smart” or Alexa connected are not smart for children especially. All “smart”, i.e. wireless and EMF-emitting devices, near children are harmful.
Baby Monitor
Includes audio or video monitors, allowing parents to keep an eye on their baby from a different room. Some advanced monitors offer features like temperature sensors and two-way audio.
If not Radio Frequencies, these devices have high Electrical emissions. Parents have lived without these devices for centuries–you can, too. (Or install one across the room, as far away from the child as possible. And use a meter to know what you’re doing.
Sound Machine
Helps soothe the baby to sleep by playing white noise, lullabies, or nature sounds. Some models have built-in nightlights.
Here’s a calming device that’s soothing to body and soul–of all of us..https://amzn.to/3N97IWK
Bottle Warmer
Quickly heats baby bottles to the ideal temperature, making late-night feedings easier.
Simple and safe–no BPA chemicals, no EMF–https://amzn.to/4epu8iq
Toys that you would not suspect are emitting EMR—and for what gain? The talking Barbie is in this class of Bad Toys.
Smart Thermometer
A digital or smart thermometer for quickly checking the baby’s temperature, often with features like no-contact readings.
Beaming infrared light at your infant’s forehead for a temperature reading? Frightful! The American Academy of Pediatric recommends rectal thermometers for accuracy with newborns & infants. When they’re a little older armpit readings are reliable, too. https://amzn.to/47QafOV
Smart Bassinet
Some bassinets include built-in rocking and white noise, designed to soothe a baby back to sleep automatically.
Soothing the baby is what parents do! Having a computer chip next to your baby is unthinkable to an informed parent. There are plenty of nice options for a bassinet that works for mom and baby. Here’s my choice https://amzn.to/3BpRMfX
Electric Breast Pump
A necessity for breastfeeding parents, electric pumps can save time and effort compared to manual pumps. && No recommendations. I just see visions of the cows with electric pumps on their udders.
Helps maintain optimal air humidity in the baby’s room, preventing dry skin and easing breathing.
Here’s a brand I’ve used for years, always pleased. https://amzn.to/47MH2o2
Baby Swing or Rocker
Electronic swings or rockers with various speed settings can help soothe a fussy baby.
No Bluetooth lullabies–could be 7x more radiation than WiFi. Here’s a battery-operated alternative–https://amzn.to/47LjMH7
Smart Changing Pad
These changing pads track a baby’s weight, diaper changes, and more, syncing with an app.
This is pushing it to sell high tech and incredibly harmful to your baby for no sensible reason. There are many safe (sane) options on the market for home or travel.
Nightlight with Timer
Provides soft light for night-time feedings or diaper changes, often with dimming or timer functions.
This is my choice–avoid dimmers, LED if possible (or choose Warm color) https://amzn.to/3ZH7KfV

Social Media Use in the School Classroom
This is the number of interruptions in the class—one class, one hour—when the teacher had the students turn ON their phones (those that were on Silent). We can be sure that learning isn’t happening when attention is so diverted. Many school districts—some by State mandate—are banning cell phones in the school this fall. Why has it taken so long for these restrictions? Read a comprehensive story from the Pew Research organization. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/06/12/72-percent-of-us-high-school-teachers-say-cellphone-distraction-is-a-major-problem-in-the-classroom
Keeping Mom & Baby Safe & Healthy

Giving birth to a healthy baby begins in utero, more than ever, in this electro-magnetic world.
An imminent physician who has treated autistic children since 1990 found that mothers of autistic children lived in environments with 20x the EMR than did mothers whose children were not on the autism spectrum. This physician refuses to work with parents who won’t clear the EMF from their home because the difference in recovery in an EMF-free home is 180 degrees, black or white.
In 2000, 1 in 1500 children was autistic. In 2024, it’s 1 in 36 nationally and 1 in 22 in California. No, the screening or definition hasn’t changed. The environment and consequent incidence have changed.
Knowing that wireless devices—cell phones, wearables, laptops, router—emit radiation, it should be evident for baby’s and mother’s health, that Mom doesn’t have these on her body or near the infant—ever.
It’s been known since time immemorial that stress on a mom-to-be could lead to pre-mature birth or low birth rate. EMR increases stress on everyone, and it affects sleep—thus the importance of the bedroom as a EMR-free sanctuary.
Studies have shown that EMR is likely to interfere in cellular development of the fetus. This can cause impaired brain development and behavioral problems later.

Wearing a EMR-shielding band is advisable, and it’s an enforced law in China—when a pregnant woman is out in public, she’s required to wear such a protective shield. And a police officer will check!
Here’s a brand I know and trust, Belly band. This tummy band or an apron over your chest and down to your knees will protect the fetus. But to reduce Mom’s radiation levels, there’s much more to do.
What’s wrong with this picture?

Entertained by their tablets and phones (“shut-up” toys the Telecom industry calls them), these smiling children aren’t interacting with each other to learn social skills, not getting physical exercise or movement, not noticing the natural environment when they are outdoors, harming their eyesight, not learning about themselves socially but judging themselves by what’s online (especially girls), and more mental health issues.
Google hires consultants to train their coders how to interact with humans/people. In the tech world individuals who are “on the (autism) spectrum” are common and recognized as not being quite altogether mentally, and the condition is considered normal and acknowledged with no-judgement.
Why You Need to Use Airplane Mode
According to the Building Biology Institute in sleeping areas the Peak RF over 2,000 milli watts per square meter is Extreme. So keep the cell phone out of bedrooms —always. However, keeping the phone on airplane mode whenever you’re near a recognized WiFi network will reduce your radiation exposure in a huge amount!
You can see from the two images below how massive a difference it makes when you switch your cell phone on to airplane mode, going from 1900 to 14 milli watts is a big deal for your health and your child’s health.