Since 9/11 the security protocols at airports have made flying stressful. Now sometime in the past two years,

Dedicated to Natural Health Practices
empowering women in all health matters
ElectroMagnetic Radiation
Understand the dangers associated with EMR and learn what you can do to protect you and your family

We are all Electric Beings. Every one of us is affected by electromagnetic radiation, whether you feel it or not yet.
“If a device sends radio signals and receives radio signals, it’s dangerous. Keep back and turn it OFF when not in use.” Bev’s Dad, Engineer, US Army Signal Corp, Okinawa, Japan 1963.
"Reducing our EMR levels won’t solve all our health issues, but it’s
a necessary first step."

- Headaches
- Sleep issues
- Memory/focus
- Tinnitus
- Anxiety/Depression
- Autism
- Alzheimer’s/Dementia
- Cardiac arrhythmias
- Infertility
- Cancers- brain, breast, heart schwannoma

- Protection begins before conception with Mom’s reduced use of wireless tech to lower her body voltage levels
- Prenatal exposure triples the risk of miscarriage*
- Due to a thinner skull, children absorb 10x the radiation of an adult
- Brain and immune system are developing and more vulnerable
- NIR exposure at young ages reduces growth of the cerebral cortex (center of intelligence in the brain)
- In schools, concentration of cell phones, computers, all wireless devices, emitting NIR where children spend hours/day.
- Young children exposed to screens and NIR regularly have 500x more risk of cancers within 20 years

- Tame the Router—Put in the least used room– Cover it with aluminum screening– Put a timer on it to shut off at bedtime–Safest bet—use an Ethernet
- Bedrooms are sanctuaries—No wireless devices in the bedroom–Buy a battery alarm clock—To receive calls at night, put in another room: Airplane mode/WiFi on
- Cell phones—Don’t carry on the body or put against head—Use Speaker or air tube headset—Text instead of call
- Call from where the signal is strong—Not in any moving vehicle or elevator
- Limit children’s use of cell & wireless devices—Download programs to watch

- Inform yourself on EMF/ NIR matters-Learn the impacts on Social behavior, mental health, and physical health caused by Non-lonizing radiation
- Buy a meter to SEE the radiation levels of this pollutant we can’t see, hear, or smell
- Talk with those in the household about safe use of electronics–Plan together how to limit time on devices—Decide on a space where devices will be used and kept—Set rules/a space for visitors to stash their cells
- Model safe use & limited use of cell phones for children– Restrict their use of devices
- Talk to other parents and teachers about safety and exposure limits

- Headaches
- Sleep issues
- Memory/focus
- Tinnitus
- Anxiety/Depression
- Autism
- Alzheimer’s/Dementia
- Cardiac arrhythmias
- Infertility
- Cancers- brain, breast, heart schwannoma

- Protection begins before conception with Mom’s reduced use of wireless tech
to lower her body voltage
- Prenatal exposure triples the risk of miscarriage*
- Due to a thinner skull, children absorb 10x the radiation of an adult
- Brain and immune system are developing and more vulnerable
- NIR exposure at young ages reduces growth of the cerebral cortex (center of intelligence in the brain)
- In schools, concentration of cell phones, computers, all wireless devices, emitting NIR where children spend hours/day.
- Young children exposed to screens and NIR regularly have 500x more risk of cancers within 20 years

- Tame the Router—Put in the least used room– Cover it with aluminum screening– Put a timer on it to shut off at bedtime–Safest bet—use an
- Bedrooms are sanctuaries—No wireless devices in the bedroom–Buy a battery alarm clock—To receive calls at night, put in another room: Airplane mode/WiFi on
- Cell phones—Don’t carry on the body or put against head—Use Speaker or air tube headset—Text instead of call
- Call from where the signal is strong—Not in any moving vehicle or elevator
- Limit children’s use of cell & wireless devices—Download programs to watch

- Inform yourself on EMF/ NIR matters-Learn the impacts on Social behavior, mental health, and physical health caused by Non-lonizing radiation
- Buy a meter to SEE the radiation levels of this pollutant we can’t see, hear, or smell
- Talk with those in the household about safe use of electronics–Plan together how to limit time on devices—Decide on a space where devices will be used and kept—Set rules/a space for visitors to stash their cells
- Model safe use & limited use of cell phones for children– Restrict their use of devices
- Talk to other parents and teachers about safety and exposure limits

- Headaches
- Sleep issues
- Memory/focus
- Tinnitus
- Anxiety/Depression
- Autism
- Alzheimer’s/Dementia
- Cardiac arrhythmias
- Infertility
- Cancers- brain, breast, heart schwannoma

- Protection begins before conception with Mom’s reduced use of wireless tech
to lower her body voltage
- Prenatal exposure triples the risk of miscarriage*
- Due to a thinner skull, children absorb 10x the radiation of an adult
- Brain and immune system are developing and more vulnerable
- NIR exposure at young ages reduces growth of the cerebral cortex (center of intelligence in the brain)
- In schools, concentration of cell phones, computers, all wireless devices, emitting NIR where children spend hours/day.
- Young children exposed to screens and NIR regularly have 500x more risk of cancers within 20 years

- Tame the Router—Put in the least used room– Cover it with aluminum screening– Put a timer on it to shut off at bedtime–Safest bet—use an
- Bedrooms are sanctuaries—No wireless devices in the bedroom–Buy a battery alarm clock—To receive calls at night, put in another room: Airplane mode/WiFi on
- Cell phones—Don’t carry on the body or put against head—Use Speaker or air tube headset—Text instead of call
- Call from where the signal is strong—Not in any moving vehicle or elevator
- Limit children’s use of cell & wireless devices—Download programs to watch

- Inform yourself on EMF/ NIR matters-Learn the impacts on Social behavior, mental health, and physical health caused by Non-lonizing radiation
- Buy a meter to SEE the radiation levels of this pollutant we can’t see, hear, or smell
- Talk with those in the household about safe use of electronics–Plan together how to limit time on devices—Decide on a space where devices will be used and kept—Set rules/a space for visitors to stash their cells
- Model safe use & limited use of cell phones for children– Restrict their use of devices
- Talk to other parents and teachers about safety and exposure limits

- Headaches
- Sleep issues
- Memory/focus
- Tinnitus
- Anxiety/Depression
- Autism
- Alzheimer’s/Dementia
- Cardiac arrhythmias
- Infertility
- Cancers- brain, breast, heart schwannoma

- Protection begins before conception with Mom’s reduced use of wireless tech to lower her body voltage levels
- Prenatal exposure
triples the risk of miscarriage*
- Due to a thinner skull, children absorb 10x the radiation of an adult
- Brain and immune system are developing and more vulnerable
- NIR exposure at young ages reduces growth of the cerebral cortex (center of intelligence in the brain)
- In schools, concentration of cell phones, computers, all wireless devices, emitting NIR where children spend hours/day.
- Young children exposed to screens and NIR regularly have 500x more risk of cancers within 20 years

- Tame the Router-Put in the least
used room-Cover it with
aluminum screening-Put a timer
on it to shut off at bedtime-
Safes bet-use anEthernet
- Bedrooms are sanctuaries—No wireless devices in the bedroom–Buy a battery alarm clock—To receive calls at night, put in another room: Airplane mode/WiFi on
- Cell phones—Don’t carry on the body or put against head—Use Speaker or air tube headset—Text instead of call
- Call from where the signal is strong—Not in any moving vehicle or elevator
- Limit children’s use of cell & wireless devices—Download programs to watch

- Inform yourself on EMF /NIR
matters—Learn the impacts on
social behavior, mental health,
and physical health caused by
Non-Ionizing Radiation
- Buy a meter to SEE the radiation levels of this pollutant we can’t see, hear, or smell
- Talk with those in the household about safe use of electronics–Plan together how to limit time on devices—Decide on a space where devices will be used and kept—Set rules/a space for visitors to stash their cells
- Model safe use & limited use of cell phones for children– Restrict their use of devices
- Talk to other parents and teachers about safety and exposure limits

What is EMF? NIR? How it's
affecting our Lives.
Today five hours on your cell phone exposes you to the radiation of 16 chest x-rays, which is the daily average of Americans. This is only medical comparison you need.
Meet Beverly
In 1999, I bought my 19yo daughter the family’s first cell phone for her safety while commuting to college on the Washington, D.C. beltway. I remembered then the warnings my (Engineer) Dad had told me when he was developing satellite communication technology for the US Army Signal Corp in the 1960s.
“If a device receives radio signals and send radio signals, it’s dangerous.”
I warned her to use Speaker or (later) air tubes, keep it away from her head, never carry it on her body, Keep conversations short.
Twenty years later, I didn’t remember his warning as I sat 8-10 hours a day for weeks about six feet from a router. This was another device sending and receiving radio signals. Consequently, I developed Electro-Magnetic Sensitivity (EMS). It’s a disease that’s not immediately recognized.
When I visited Washington, DC, in spring 2019, the skin on my arms itched, then burned, and, as I approached a (hidden) cell tower, my skin seemed to crawl. A classical non-ionizing radiation (NIR) symptom.

As Seen On

News - First Aid For Wellness.
News to improve or protect all health dimensions–physical, mental & spiritual
Since 2003, this website has promoted natural health practices, healthy eating and natural healing methods. In the last 10 years, humanity has increasingly been exposed to a pollutant we can’t hear, see, or smell but is seriously impacting our mental and physical health. Indeed, it’s harming all living things on the planet.
The heat surges inside when I open the front door of our seaside cabina this morning. My daughter
My kitchen remedies for common ailments. We’re all creatures of habit. We naturally continue to do what we’ve
My youngest daughter gave birth this week to her second child, a 10# baby boy (gender kept unknown
Beverly A. Jensen, Ph.D. in Media
Concerned about EMF and its effects?
Book a No-Obligation 15-minute consultation
With Beverly Jensen ,Ph.D.
EMF - Recovered and helping others
Lists of 5 or 7 actions you can take to reduce your EMF exposure are easily found. We’ll go beyond those lists in a Home Consultation and discover sources you’d never suspect. After hearing your family’s concerns and tech habits, we’ll discuss how to reduce your exposure or shield from Radio Frequencies and Dirty Electricity, and counsel on setting boundaries and time limits on tech use for everyone in the household. This requires purchasing a meter or over 50% of sources will be missed! The new Barbie that talks emits radiation!

What Our Clients Say
Amy N- H.

The investigation of EMFs in our home was a huge eye-opener, and I’m grateful we had Dr. Beverly do this. She gave us recommendations on types of shielding materials and phone protectors, and we took immediate action…
Virginie R.

We were having headaches in the family for no known reason and were beginning to suspect e-smog in the home. With Dr. Bev’s in-home consultation, meters told us exactly where the offending devices were…
Amy N- H.

The investigation of EMFs in our home was a huge eye-opener, and I’m grateful we had Dr. Beverly do this. She gave us recommendations on types of shielding materials and phone protectors, and we took immediate action…
Katharina G.

I had noticed that my 4yo son wasn’t sleeping well but when we traveled, he was fine. I suspected something in the house was the cause. but I had no ideas. When I learned Beverly was in our area…
Our Exclusive Courses
Changing Food Habits—Organic Eating

Radically Reducing Your EMF Exposure
You’ve suspected you need to take steps to protect yourself and the family from EMF but you didn’t know quite how to do so. This is a crash course— after you’ve done the prep work, dedicate 3 hours–clear the calendar, turn off all devices– to take an assessment of your space and your habits to radically reduce EMF in your life. The course activities will bring family members together to discuss your device habits and to create some rules of the house for everyone’s improved safety.